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WhatsApp Prime APK

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WhatsApp Prime APK 2023

WhatsApp Prime APK 2023

With WhatsApp Prime APK, you can send text messages, make voice and video calls, and even share photos, videos, and documents with your friends. It’s a fun and convenient way to stay in touch with the people you care about. Plus, you can create group chats, which means you can chat with multiple friends at the same time. Just imagine all the exciting conversations you can have! There are other important versions of WhatsApp apps available like GBWhatsApp, YoWhatsApp, and OgWhatsApp. Like other WhatsApp mod versions, this prime version also has many extra features like unlimited fun, sending, unsending, and saving messages in a way the users of this app like it. These whatsapp plus the latest versions are not from official sources rather these are third-party provided apps where you have something extra to do with their amazing features.

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What is WhatsApp Prime?

What is WhatsApp Prime?

This is a non-professional third-party’s WhatsApp app version that is moded with extra features and functions. Anything that is not possible in the regular WhatsApp version you can do in this app. Once users get familiar with this app, the regular and original app versions will not be satisfying them in their chatting needs. But one thing is important to note is that users should download and install it from reliable resources and make sure it is virus free.

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Whatsapp Prime comes with these core and extra features together:

Big Video Size

In regular WhatsApp users can send and receive videos only in a limited size. But by using this app you can enjoy sending and receiving unlimited video sizes in your chat. This feature is perfect for sharing movies in your chats with friends.

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Copy Status

Many users of WhatsApp prime new version download think about the copying status of their users in their contacts but it’s not possible in the official app. Using the prime version of WhatsApp you can enjoy this feature.

Quantity of Files

In WhatsApp, you are not allowed to send more than 30 files at the same time in a single chat or in a group but with the prime version you can enjoy to send upto 300 files with a single click. To use this feature all you need is just select your chosen files and hit the send button.

One way of communication

Using this feature you can only send messages to a specific contact and they will not be able to reply to you. This is a unique feature of its kind where one way of communication is possible.

How to download Whatsapp Prime?

Are you eager to get your hands on the newest version of Whatsapp Prime APK 2023? No problem! Just follow these easy steps to safely download Whatsapp Prime apk onto your Android device.

Click on the provided download button and be patient.

Wait for a few seconds, and the download will start shortly.

You will be prompted to choose a path to save the file.

Save the path to download the apk file.

The download will be complete within a few minutes.

And that’s it! You’re all set to enjoy using Whatsapp Prime.


WhatsApp Prime APK is an alternative version of the popular messaging app, WhatsApp. It offers additional features and functionalities beyond the original app, allowing users to enhance their messaging experience. With this WhatsApp, users can send text messages, make voice and video calls, and easily share photos, videos, and documents with friends and family. The app also enables group chats, providing a fun and convenient way to communicate with multiple people simultaneously. It’s important to note that when downloading APK files, users should exercise caution and ensure they are downloading from trusted sources to avoid potential security risks. This site is safe to download any kind of mod APKs.

What is WhatsApp Prime?

WhatsApp Prime refers to an enhanced version or modified version of the popular messaging app, WhatsApp. It is typically a third-party modification that offers additional features and functionalities not found in the official WhatsApp application.

How is WhatsApp Prime different from the official WhatsApp?

WhatsApp Prime differs from the official WhatsApp in terms of features and customization options. It may include features such as advanced privacy settings, customization of themes, increased file size limits for sharing, and other enhancements not available in the official version.

Is WhatsApp Prime an official app?

No, WhatsApp Prime is not an official application. It is usually developed by third-party developers who modify the original WhatsApp app to add extra features. It is important to note that using modified versions of WhatsApp may violate the official terms of service.